What seems to happen when we have spiritual experiences can only be known when that is tested. Otherwise we are likely to call ourselves a chef, open a fancy restaurant, and promptly poison the clientele.
Lee Lozowick

Henry Darger http://www.hammergallery.com/Artists/darger/Darger.htm

shane ogren "the louse and the flea"

A monk asked Joshu, "Has the dog the Buddha nature?"

Joshu replied, "Mu"

Mumon's Comment:

For the pursuit of Zen, you must pass through the barriers (gates) set up by the Zen masters. To attain his mysterious awareness one must completely uproot all the normal workings of one's mind. If you do not pass through the barriers, nor uproot the normal workings of your mind, whatever you do and whatever you think is a tangle of ghost. Now what are the barriers? This one word "Mu" is the sole barrier. This is why it is called the Gateless Gate of Zen. The one who passes through this barrier shall meet with Joshu face to face and also see with the same eyes, hear with the same ears and walk together in the long train of the patriarchs.

Wouldn't that be pleasant?

Would you like to pass through this barrier? Then concentrate your whole body, with its 360 bones and joints, and 84,000 hair follicles, into this question of what "Mu" is; day and night, without ceasing, hold it before you. It is neither nothingness, nor its relative "not" of "is" and "is not." It must be like gulping a hot iron ball that you can neither swallow nor spit out.
Then, all the useless knowledge you have diligently learned till now is thrown away. As a fruit ripening in season, your internality and externality spontaneously become one. As with a mute man who had had a dream, you know it for sure and yet cannot say it. Indeed your ego-shell suddenly is crushed, you can shake heaven and earth. Just as with getting ahold of a great sword of a general, when you meet Buddha you will kill Buddha. A master of Zen? You will kill him, too. As you stand on the brink of life and death, you are absolutely free. You can enter any world as if it were your own playground. How do you concentrate on this Mu? Pour every ounce of your entire energy into it and do not give up, then a torch of truth will illuminate the entire universe.

Has a dog the Buddha nature?

This is a matter of life and death.If you wonder whether a dog has it or not, You certainly lose your body and life!

See also: Regarding Mu

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It seems to me that real art spills from the conflict with the daemon--what Yeats called "the antithetical self." Recently I met with a successful designer in a Midwestern city. She is a fellow graduate of the Kansas City Art Institute and I approached her for some part time free lance design work. She boasted that she has developed and designed websites for two "big" artists based in her city. I hadn't heard of the women but was piqued by the claim of their success. When I finally got around to looking them up I was somewhat angered by the falsehood of the designer's claims--that these are "big" artists. Truth is I was envious. I wish that I could make crap work that might be so easily marketed and that I could make lots of money and move to some far away place where there are flowers in bloom year around...

Their work is of the ilk of so much one sees--recognizable, affordable and plenteous. The sort of work decorators love. Easy to decorate around--and not too imposing or ponderous.

Good luck with that big art.

(it should be obvious that I am not referring to this artist in the above...image: Don Baum The Hammer Gallery, Chicago, www.hammergallery.com

No comments:

I am not on the preferred patron’s mailing list of any major NY galleries.
I am not important to anyone I know of inside the beltway in D.C.
I am not your sister’s favorite secret lover.
I am not a thirty something millionaire defense contractor careening through jammed traffic in a red Italian sports car in Houston.
I am not a power Mensa video gamer in camouflaged shorts with expensive weed in my thigh pocket.
I am not one of Kalle Lasn’s lunch buddies.
I am not readily confused with Asian Republican golf pros in crisp green lacoste shirts.
I am not the owner of a custom Gulfstream 4 or 5 (or even a Hawker).
I am not an MIT custodian skulking around late night lab halls.
I am not omniscient or wildly intuitive on Mondays or Fridays.
I am not Laurie Anderson’s current boyfriend.
I am not a fan of most daytime TV game show contestant’s snack habits.
I am not a licensed massage therapist in fitted pastel spandex.
I am not a pet Red Tail hawk raging loose in a rich kid’s tree house.
I am not Dick Chaney’s confessor (and God help the woman who is).
I am not (nor ever was) an extra for the making of any of the Planet of the Apes films.
I am not Peter Bogdonovich’s primary psychoanalyst.
I am not Woody Allen’s mother’s scapegoat bridge partner.
I am not a first line victim of state sponsored European pharmaceutical industrial espionage.
I am not as bold as I was when I had longer and fuller and better hair.
I am not a talented speller like my father.
I am not a top notch political strategist/painter/art star living in the Hamptons with illegal house servants bringing me exotic breakfasts in bed.
But it might be nice...

I Wanna Be A Hero 1992 edited and co-directed by Joe Houston with Ryan Bonne, San Antonio Art Institute Charles Moore Gallery, San Antonio, Texas

Both/ And 2003 blueglassprojects KCMO photo Jennifer Coombes

both/and, 2003 Prospero’s Books, 39th street art walk, Kansas City, Missouri Jennifer Coombes, Monica Ross, Alan Mitchell, Cody Brewer, Jeff Helkenberg, Jason Beason, Mikal Shapiro, Christie Bradley, Joel Kraft, Mark Saviano, Derek Moore, Adam Fox, Heather Brewer, Jeff Hogue

Are issues like predatory multinational corporations, ecological crisis, warring fundamentalists, poverty, justice for those less fortunate, etc. etc. issues that can be realistically impacted by the arts?
Is the 21st century markedly different than preceding art historical periods and if so, how?
Is it practical to try to integrate philosophy, art, and science using new physics models?
What are the possibilities in your mind?
What are the possibilities of transformation of culture in terms of art?
What is the future of art?
How do you integrate your work and your spiritual beliefs?
What do you do each day to be?

the supper heroes, blueglassprojects
There are two important distinctions of Sufi esotericism as compared to Vedantic or Buddhist esotericism.

These are:

Sufis don’t believe in guru-centered communities. In studying the evidence of community destroying scandals of recent generations, it becomes evident that corruption is often the result of inordinate power attributed to charismatic leaders and gurus. Sufis believe in having “teachers” and “leaders” but these are seen only as functionary roles played by men and women who’ve shown over time their trustworthiness and selfless commitment to their communities. In healthy communities, each member is held up as valuable and uniquely gifted and as such, each is a leader in their own right. As the group understands that there is only One Loving and Benign Power in the universe (referred to as God, Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, and other names) and we as human beings are subject to that power, we see a process pattern of consensual decision-making develop. People who share a devotion to an ideal above their individual selves are able to come to deep and transpersonal agreements. While this distinction is subtle, it is noteworthy.

Sufis believe in transformation through humanity rather than transformation through asceticism. In 1st world culture we are all bombarded with the temptation of external distractions and indulgences. It is unreasonable to expect people in our culture to be too ascetic. On some levels we’ve found that fasting is valuable and appropriate—but these are highly personal issues and best addressed individually. We feel that our greatest joy as artists will come through witnessing the Spirit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty moving through us individually and collectively and transforming our lives and the lives of those our work touches. If it is agreed that it is God who is the author of all that is Good and She who transforms us through Her gracious presence then it follows that our greatest work needs to be focused around invoking and maintaining this presence and learning to make art accordingly. All that our souls crave comes from the One.

Jeff Hogue’s artistic trajectory can be found most clearly in his uncontrollable love of experimentation. The works seem to span almost every conceivable medium and field of representation in an erratic, iconoclastic and willfully inventive catalogue of innovation. His aim is to scramble the codes of artistic taste and reconfigure perceptive norms, colloquialising images from the visual field around him and re-casting them on the pictorial field via his highly personal and non-conformist style. This elusive and chameleonic methodology has sculpted his career.

The Theory of Everywhere 2007

"Emptiness feels empty not because there is nothing present, but because whatever it is we're doing has no egotistic interference. The subtle arteries have no ego plaque in them, nothing to resist the smooth flow of the soul. Without our getting in the way, the life of the soul is rich and full, though unpredictable. But it isn't easy to trust strong desire and the life that keeps pouring into us. We always think we know better what should be and how it should all turn out. That is why the death principle --avoiding, worrying, being moralistic--is so popular."

Thomas Moore The Soul's Religion